Our Core Principles

 We created EBSB because we believe middle school boys deserve a better education than they are getting in coeducational schools. Our world also deserves better young men, who are academically curious, thoughtful and compassionate, and prepared to be change agents to build a better future. We believe that in creating a school that adheres to the following core principles, we will be creating a dynamic and rich learning environment for boys.

  • Boys need responsibility, affirmation, love, high expectations, and activity. When boys are given these things, they can learn more and access their best selves.

  • Boys communicate about their emotions more easily while doing.

  • Boys reflect on and learn about themselves best when, in a safe setting, they can see the consequences of their decisions and actions.

  • Boys become more engaged when they have choice and a chance to prove their self-reliance.

  • Boys need to witness boys of all kinds succeeding.