The Work Program

The goal of Work at EBSB is to foster an enduring love of exploration, collaboration, and civic engagement by practicing design, hands-on building, and reflection. Through woodworking, metalworking, engaged listening, problem-solving, and healthy risk-taking, students build the creative confidence to become the prototypers of a more equitable tomorrow.

Grounded in stewardship and service-learning, the purpose ofthis course is to emphasize the responsibility to utilize self- knowing (SELF), practical skills (WORK), and the love of learning (PREP) to compassionately create and communicate with one’s shared community (LIFE). The work builds from skills developed in sixth- grade (appropriate use of tools, project management, and craftsmanship) while also building skills in design thinking (empathy, collaboration, prototyping, building) and more advanced building tools and techniques. Projects will include, but are not limited to, designing and building for EBSB’s community (e.g. skate ramps and benches), family eating utensil project, the prosthetic arm challenge, and building for our brothers and sisters in public elementary schools.