Hannah’s passion for Spanish led her to Spain, where she lived for 5 years teaching English. Knowing another language is such a gift and can open so many doors in one's life; her passion for teaching comes from the desire to share this gift with young people, while helping them develop greater empathy for others.

After learning about EBSB while living in the Canary Islands, Hannah knew she found a reason to move back to the US. Hannah loves EBSB’s end of year Exhibitions of Learning and finds it rewarding as a teacher and advisor to be able to witness the fruits of students’ labors at the end of the year when they reflect on all they've learned. When she’s not at EBSB, Hannah enjoys getting up early to have coffee and breakfast outside on the porch followed by the gym or a run. She can often be found thrifting, reading, or playing Ultimate Frisbee at Ocean Beach.